Governor Cuomo’s emergency powers are creating injustice by destroying small businesses and jobs. The emergency powers have also disrupted vaccine disruption and medical care. He has issued so many emergency executive orders that it is impossible for people and businesses to keep track of the rule changes.
By the end of-May 2020, New York City alone had about 20,000 deaths, while in San Francisco there had been only about 35, and New York state as a whole suffered 10 times as many deaths as California. The time has come to debate each rule change so the side effects are understood before they take effect! We the undersigned hereby petition the NYS Senate and Assembly to end Governor Cuomo’s emergency powers now or at least let them expire on March 31, 2021 as currently set in the emergency law. Send an Email to your County officials ask them to take action in support of three autonomous regions. Sample email for Counties Please copy and paste the text below into email/comment; enter the names and then personalize the email Dear Hon (County official’s name) In NYS under the home rule clause, NYS Senators and Assembly(wo)men are obliged to introduce a bill if a municipality in their district passes a home rule resolution; and then sends a copy of the resolution AND the bill (Amendment) to their NY State legislators. Please adopt the following home rule resolution. The proposed amendment would partition NYS into three Autonomous Regions; the amendment text and an outline that explains it can be found at this link. A sample resolution is below: “Whereas: The views of people who live in the upstate. NYC, and downstate areas of New York State are very different and really should be divided into separate states, or completely autonomous regions. It is therefore resolved: that the ______(supervisors/legislators)__ of _ (county name)__County have adopted this home-rule resolution and request our NYS legislators support an amendment to our New York State constitution to divide our state into completely autonomous regions; the New Amsterdam, the Montauk and the New York Regions with only a token state government. The proposed amendment would partition NYS into three Autonomous Regions. The text is attached” Sincerely, (your name) ------------------------------- Donations Gratefully Accepted Here are the Donation Options: Click the DONATE button below to donate via PayPal or Everbutton/Stripe If you wish to mail a check or money order; please make it payable to: Divide NYS Caucus Inc PO Box 1634 Latham NY 12110 Please comment on our Facebook page
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